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About Kartikay

There is no right way to become a Product Manager.


My story:



QA -> Engineering -> Solution Architect (Lead, PS, SE) -> Product Manager

Academic:​ -> PGD -> MS -> EPGDIB


This can be yours too or it could be much shorter or longer based on your journey.

Product mindset comes when you start looking at every thing around you and start ​wondering about the following questions around it:


  1. What purpose does it serve?

  2. Is there a better way of doing it?

And the 3rd point which differentiates you from the crowd:

    3. If I do implement it in a new way how do I know it worked?

So the next time you see something, and it could be anything, just think about the points I mentioned. Here are a few things you can start with:


  • Leaves on a tree

  • A fire extinguisher

  • A packet of milk

  • Your favourite app



LangChain  LLM RAG


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